When you work 8 hrs (or sometimes even more) for a job, it’s safe to say that you spend the majority of your time with your co-workers. You can even say that you spend more time at work than with your friends and family. It’s not necessarily a bad thing...
The Importance of Acceptance and Equality in the Workplace
We don’t notice it right away, but it's always there, one way or another. A dash of inequality, a bit of unfairness, and a sprinkle of discrimination. You try to shrug it off, but it stays with you for a while. It’s a common reality for most of us. Coming...
Self-Care for Virtual Assistants: Prioritizing Wellness in a Remote Work Environment
We’ve done it folks! We’re officially living the dream. When people suggested the idea of remote work before, the world used to laugh - work from home? How would that even work? However, this far-fetched idea slowly became a reality. Due to technological advances and a rather coercive push by...
How to Balance Life and Work – Developing Healthy Career Habits
It seems like it all happened in an instant. Suddenly you aren’t just a kid daydreaming during classes - you’re now a working adult with bills to pay. You have a job that pays well, you have friendly colleagues, and you’re actually doing what you’ve dreamed of doing since you...
Redefining wellness in remote work: Why OA prioritizes wellness in a distributed workforce
We have all heard about the many advantages of remote work - the flexibility, the saved costs, the freedom. Work no longer feels like work, as you are no longer confined to the traditional restrictions of an office. You get to control your work hours, you can take needed breaks,...